Real Democracy Starts Now

PeoplePower is a simple and powerful way to upgrade US politics, solve problems, and rebuild communities.

Real Democracy Starts Now

PeoplePower is a simple and powerful way to upgrade US politics, solve problems and rebuild communities.

Introducing People Power

The World is in Crisis.

The world is in crisis. Politics is polarized. Media feeds those flames to sell ads. Democracy is crumbling. Government is paralyzed and so problems worsen. Parties and politicians can’t solve the problem - because they are the problem. Our system urgently needs an upgrade to handle the challenges and improve the pace of change.

Citizens’ assemblies are the best way to upgrade democracy… by tapping into the collective intelligence and power of everyday people. Solving problems together this way allows a full spectrum of voices to be heard and takes power back into our hands — away from special interests and big money.

Thousands of citizens’ assemblies - in the US & worldwide - have consistently generated consensus solutions and reversed polarization.

It is up to “we the People” to rebuild communities, heal US politics, and solve problems.

It's our choice and the time is now.

We are the solution.

Real people. Solving real problems together!

We can start NOW!

We have the solution: citizens’ assemblies are already successfully used around the globe. The challenge: less than 1% of Americans know about this powerful solution to fix our broken system. This is where we come in. People Power TV is an actionable plan to massively expand awareness and demand for citizens’ assemblies.

We don’t need to wait for elections, leaders, or anyone else. We can start with real people applying real democracy. We only need you.

Let’s Get Started

Join the People Power Movement Today!