What is People Power Democracy?

Democracy can be reformed to put the power back in the hands of the people through citizen assemblies.

Citizen Assembly is a functional and proven process where randomly selected citizens deliberate with experts, yielding consensus solutions and reducing political polarization.

Rather than relying on politicians, advocates, lobbyists, and experts to solve problems, People Power Democracy gives everyday people the tools and support they need to work together to find solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.

What’s wrong with the current system?

The two-party control over the U.S. political system has failed us. 100 Million voters identify as independents even if they aren’t registered as such. Divisiveness and polarization block progress on the need for positive change and our ability to make wise decisions in the face of existential crises. The system benefits from our current confusion and division, but it's future generations that will be impacted by our failure to come together.  It's high time we break free, harness the power in our diversity, and forge a more inclusive and responsive path forward. Our future hinges on it.

Where has People Power Democracy been successfully implemented?

More than 600 issues have been solved worldwide through citizen assemblies! Examples include:

  • South Africa: set up a democratic state post-apartheid and elected its first Black president

  • Ireland: made abortion and gay marriage referendums to their constitution after a long period of political deadlock

  • vTaiwan: a modern experiment that prototypes an open consultation process where thousands participate in rational discussion on national issues and has yielded 26+ laws with super majority support.

  • Iceland: rewrote its constitution after the economic crisis of 2008 to prioritize values its people prioritized

  • Austria: use participatory democracy to chart a course to be carbon neutral by 2040

Can People Power Depolarize us?

Yes! The process of discussing an issue with others who have diverse perspectives reminds participants of their shared humanity and creates mutual understanding. Informed and deliberative discussions about an issue empower participants to grapple with complex issues, and to generate breakthrough solutions. Most importantly, People Power democracy yields solutions that are supported by people from all sides of an issue. Finding widespread agreement on a solution means we can move forward with the solution and create real positive change.

How Does it work?

Citizen Assemblies are the solution! The problem is less than 1% of Americans are aware.

But People Power Democracy isn't just about brainstorming ideas. It's about using our collective intelligence to find solutions for everyone. That's why the movement emphasizes the importance of including a representative mix of diverse perspectives from across a community to engage in decision-making and also to explain and promote the solution. When the people impacted by a decision are able to participate in the decision-making process, the results are both effective and sustainable.

Once the community identifies and supports a solution, People Power Democracy provides the tools and support needed to turn that solution into action. This might mean launching a campaign, advocating for policy changes, or even starting a new venture.

So whether you're frustrated with the current state of politics, concerned about the future of your community, or simply looking for a way to make a difference, People Power Democracy offers a powerful, practical, and effective way to create change.

Take Action

When you realize that no one is coming to save us, it's time to get in the game.